Tips and Guides

6 Tips on How to Prepare for the Parent-Teacher Conference

Strong relationships and open two-way communication between families and schools are important for your child’s success in school. The Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC)  is a vital component within education systems worldwide that allows parents to meet teachers in person and discuss their child’s school life and academic progress. These discussions are important to ensure a child’s success and happiness, inside and outside the classroom.

Without a doubt, the PTC is one of the most anticipated school events for parents, teachers and children. But it can be one of the most stressful events, too. While most conferences are positive, there are some tips that you can follow to make sure that you are prepared.

Talk with your child before the conference

Find the time to discuss the conference with your child by sharing the purpose of this event. It’s best to start a conversation when you’re doing something together. For example, while preparing dinner, watering the plants, or walking the dog. 

While talking to them, it’s also important that you ask them about their experiences with their teachers and classmates and what it’s like to be part of their school. The goal is to discover whether or not they enjoy school and uncover any issues or challenges they may be experiencing.

Take seriously whatever your child tells you

As a rule of thumb, any information your child shares is very important. During your conversations, be mindful of your body language and ensure your responses are friendly and engaging. Keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions like “That is interesting”, “Then what happened?” or “Why do you feel like that?”

When your child feels like you’re actively listening, they’ll likely open up and share more about their experiences in school. Use this chance to ask them about anything they’d like to talk about with their teacher during the PTC, for example, how to improve their grades or how they can join a new extra-curricular activity.

Use respectful words when talking to your child about the school and teachers

When talking with your children, remember to use kind words and actions not to undermine their confidence. Keep in mind that your child looks up to you as a parent and that by supporting their viewpoint, you’re helping them to develop confidence and encourage them to open up to you more.

Show interest in what’s going on in their life 

It is essential for parents to know what’s going on in their child’s life and understand them better. During these conversations, be supportive and show them that you are interested in everything they do. Keep eye contact when talking, nod whenever possible, and use a caring facial expression. Let them know that you are always available if they need to talk about something. 

Not only will taking an interest in your child’s school life help you prepare for your PTC, but it can also benefit your kids in several ways. It could improve their mental health, happiness and well-being in general. 

Learn more about their homework

It will make you feel more relaxed during the PTC if you are fully aware of your child’s homework assignments, ongoing projects and school expectations. Are the tasks getting done?

Find the time to go over their assignments together. Ask them if they understood most of the tasks given to them at school and how they are coping with the most challenging school projects. 

If you find out that your child is struggling with their homework, projects, or classes in general, PTC is an excellent opportunity to discuss this with your child’s teacher(s). You can ask them for professional suggestions on how the school can further support your child to improve their performance or how you could help at home. 

Help your child overcome problems before they get too big

Big life changes are inevitable, but that doesn’t make them any easier for children to manage. While you can’t always be there to protect them, what you can do as a parent is to teach them how to handle them. If you have noticed anything that’s bothering them, discuss it with your children first, and then if needed, bring it up during the PTC. 

Take time to address your child’s questions, concerns and feelings. Listen carefully and share a few strategies on how to handle difficult situations. Avoid arguments and debates. Instead, help them focus on the issue and the steps to overcome them before they get too big.

If their issues are heavily related to their school life, reach out to their homeroom teacher to set up a meeting before or after the conference. Make a list of your concerns before the PTC. Arrange them in order of importance so that you can address the most crucial issues first. 

XCL World Academy’s Open and Honest Communication with Parents and Guardians

XCL World Academy strongly values fostering community engagement and is committed to establishing and upholding a close-knit, family-oriented school community. Building strong relationships with parents is of the utmost importance to ensure your child’s academic success and positive learning experiences.

Our Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC) is hosted twice a year to develop a collaborative partnership that will help your children to become happy learners and succeed in school. Our conferences are centred around your child’s academic performance and school well-being.

We also offer various parent engagement sessions, allowing parents to get all their questions answered and ensure that our families have all the necessary information to make future decisions for and together with their children.

Families, teachers and students are the foundation of a strong and supportive community. We have an ‘open-door policy’ and encourage an environment that is engaging for both parents and children, as we believe that the more you engage, the more successful your child will be in school. 

If you are looking for a truly international school in Singapore that is focused on every child’s success in school and offers a holistic education, reach out to our Admissions Team today, they will be delighted to answer you about our curriculum, world-class facility, and parent-engagement initiatives.

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