
Every Student is Unique

We believe that every learner is unique. Students come to us from a wide range of backgrounds and diverse cultural identities. As a school, it is important that we know each student in terms of their social, emotional, and academic development. It is also important to know their strengths and areas for improvement so that their education can be tailored for greater levels of personalised learning. Our caring and dedicated Learning Support, Counselling, and Pastoral Leadership teams are here to address the individual needs of our diverse learning community.

Pastoral Care

XCL World Academy is driven by a singular purpose – to put a quality education within reach of every student. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our care. We provide comprehensive homeroom and pastoral care programs to promote students’ academic, social and emotional development and allow every student to achieve their full potential. Through the homeroom and pastoral care programs, our students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, achieve positive goals, show empathy for others and make responsible decisions. In addition, we have grade-level leaders, pastoral leaders and school counsellors who are always available to meet with our students.

Our Heads of Grade (Early and Primary Years) and Pastoral Leaders (Secondary Years) provide additional support and case management for our student body. This level of support will focus primarily on low-level social-emotional challenges whereby the Heads of Grade and/or Pastoral Leader will engage with key stakeholders, student, parent and teacher/s to employ a multidisciplinary approach (where appropriate) focused on meeting the needs of the student. Some examples of low-level social-emotional challenges as relational difficulties, student mediation, lack of engagement/attendance, low self-worth/confidence, low resilience, and personal health/hygiene.

We have also implemented a Mentor Program with a group of Grade 11 and 12 students. Mentors offer peer support to students, enhance the transition support for new students and inspire other students to ‘pay it forward’.

This tiered approach ensures that students and their families are provided with numerous levels of support available to them at any time.

Learning Support

At XCL World Academy, we provide learning support opportunities for a wide range of learning needs across the school in an inclusive setting. We believe in fostering positive working relationships with students in a nurturing and inclusive learning environment.

The learning support staff are highly trained and experienced educators who provide a holistic approach that involves teachers, parents and students in their learning journey. Through the use of diagnostic assessments and observations, we identify, plan, implement and monitor support for learners with a specific learning need, difficulty or disability. Depending on the need, we are able to work with students in small groups, one-to-one or push-in support in the classroom. We believe these learners can be successful and become autonomous, lifelong learners.

In the Primary Years, classroom teachers, specialist teachers, school counsellors and learning support teachers work collaboratively to create a supportive, nurturing environment that caters for the needs of all students. Student learning needs are supported by the use of modern technology, differentiated teaching and learning materials, development of individual support plans. They are also provided with guidance and advice on educational and social matters and their further education.

Learning support teachers promote good home-school relationships as well as foster positive working relationships with students.

In the Secondary Years, subject and learning support teachers work in tandem to create a supportive, nurturing environment that caters for the needs of all students. Student learning needs are supported by the use of modern technology, differentiated teaching and learning materials, the development of individual support plans and after-school support. They are also provided with guidance and advice on educational and social matters and their further education and future careers.

Learning support teachers promote good home-school relationships as well as foster positive working relationships with students.

After-school Learning Support provides an opportunity for students to access support in all academic subjects.


School counselling services promote the personal, social, emotional and educational development of students through proactive programmes, curriculum input and personal counselling for students.

School counselling is a short-term solution-focused solution that supports students through the types of social and emotional issues regularly navigated in school years. It can also serve as the first step for students who would benefit from additional professional services outside of school. Working collaboratively with students, our team of counsellors build strong relationships and confidential bonds, helping them to process new experiences, understand their feelings, develop resilience and learn various skills to manage personal and interpersonal difficulties.

In the Early and Primary Years, our counsellors respond to and support students experiencing social, emotional, and/or behavioural concerns that are barriers to their academic and social success in school. We conduct individual or small group counselling to address identified needs. Counsellors support the teaching of age-appropriate counselling lessons that address topics such as staying safe (child safeguarding), self-regulation, conflict resolution, and identity. We also help students to develop skills to make friends, have social interactions, connections, and good communication to help them engage and work collaboratively within their learning environments. A student can be referred to the counsellors by classroom teachers and/or parents. A collaborative approach is valued at all times.

Students have a greater level of autonomy in the Secondary Years and more right to confidentiality as they get older. Students are encouraged to contact a counsellor personally to schedule private meetings, which will be arranged out of class time when possible. The counsellors are also available for casual student drop-ins before and after school, during the break and lunchtimes. Appointments can also be made by emailing the counsellors, dropping a note into the mailbox at the counselling centre door, or by asking a homeroom teacher or pastoral leader to arrange one for them.

Counsellors work closely with the XCL World Academy Pastoral Leaders but maintain student confidentiality unless student safety is at risk or there is a legal conflict of interest. Counselling sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the students and provide the necessary safety and support whilst also addressing any barriers to academic, social and emotional growth.

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